MunEE Bucks Energy-Efficiency Program: It pays to be energy smart.
Rebates available for qualifying equipment and systems
Ogden municipal utilities is committed to delivering energy reliably, affordably, and efficiently. We don’t just serve the community; we are a part of the community. Creating a brighter future for our customers, our families, and our hometowns is at the heart of what we do. Our MunEE Buck$ Energy-Efficiency program, available to electric and natural gas customers, can help you to lower utility bills, save money, and conserve energy.
When you purchase and install certain energy-efficient equipment and systems, not only do you reduce your own utility bills, but you help to reduce our community’s overall energy consumption. Ogden Municipal Utilities appreciates these energy-reducing efforts and has created the Ogden Municipal Utilities MunEE Buck$ Energy-Efficiency Incentive Program.

Program Overview
The MunEE Buck$ Energy-Efficiency Incentive Program is designed to encourage the installation of energy-efficient equipment and systems in residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.
How it Works
To complete rebate applications, you use an online portal. The rebates and incentives are processed through the system. To see a list of available incentive areas, click here.
For questions about MunEE BUck$, please contact us at:
(515) 275-2437